Thursday, 10 May 2012

Hello there!
 However you've come to stumble upon this place, I'm sure glad you did! Welcome to Natascha Dawne, etcetera. This is my long-dreaded first post, so please bear with me!
 Allow me to introduce myself! I'm Natascha, a 20 year old student, born and raised in Canada's capital, who has a passion for creating. I love fashion, music, art, writing, video games, and occasionally nerding out. It has been a long two years since I've graduated from high school and I've (finally) decided that it is truly time to have a more positive outlook on life and take on whatever it throws at me. After a dreadful two first weeks of summer of doing absolutely nothing but scarfing down Ms. Vicky's Lime and Black Pepper chips and an uncanny amount of iced tea as I sat back and watched my friends' busy lives go by, I realized that mine is passing just as fast, regardless of what I've been doing with it...
 ...thus, this resulted in the birth of my first post at 3:03am on May 10, 2012!
 The aim of this blog, other than to keep myself entertained, is to attempt to entertain others as I try to reconnect with myself and the things I love. Here, you will find my musings on fashion, beauty, fandom, literature, my wanderings in and outside of the lovely Nation's capital, things that inspire me and all things Natascha Dawne, etc.

I hope you'll enjoy this as much as I hope to!
Cheers and goodnight good morning,

(PS. Dawne's my middle name!)

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